Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies or simply, COBIT5 is a highly renowned Enterprise and IT governance framework. At Training Creatively, we offer COBIT5 courses including Foundation, Implementation and Assessor Course at economical rates. Our courses are aimed at helping managers bridge the gap between operational matters, business requirements and business risks. At the end of each course, delegates are required to sit for a certification examination. Thanks to our industry-experienced trainers and best course materials, we make sure that our candidates are equipped with all the knowledge and resource needed to pass the exam. To get you prepared for the final exam, we also conduct several simulated tests.
Our Practice Examinations are Prepared by Qualified Training Consultants
At Training Creatively, our COBIT5 practice exam is prepared by experienced and accredited trainers. If you are attending our COBIT5 course, these mock tests are going to prove invaluable to you. These exams are one of the most effective tools that you can use to prepare for the upcoming certification examination. Our practice exam is purposefully designed with the actual exam format in mind and it is a full length examination. Simulated tests are aimed at helping you get accustomed to the questions so that you feel confident at the time of the actual examination. Our simulated examination consists of the same number of questions as the real certification exam and you will be allotted the same time as the actual test.
We Offer a Detailed Evaluation of the Simulated Test Result
The format of our simulating exam is kept simple so that you do not face any trouble navigating the questions. You can even mark the questions whose answers you do not know or are not sure of. At any point during the exam, you can come back to answer these questions. When you have completed your mock test, our training consultants will thoroughly assess your answers. We maintain a very high-quality method of evaluation and will provide you with a detailed score, along with analysis of the marks that you have scored in each area of knowledge. We will also highlight the areas where you need a little more practice. Also, we will let you know the time taken by you to answer each question so that you can improve your performance. All of this will help to get you ready for the certification examination.
Our simulated practice exam for COBIT5 is created with the objective of making our delegates attending this course feel confident appearing for the actual exam. You can enrol for the free exam or buy 1,2 or 3 exam. To discuss the exam packages in detail, contact us.