
Actionable Steps for Agile Project Management with Teams

To stay relevant and competitive in today’s fast-paced world, businesses must adapt. It is no more about who is the best, but more about those who can adapt best to updated requirements. In IT, conventional project management approaches were out-of-date and too rigid. Therefore a shift is required and businesses, as well as IT professionals can learn a lot by enrolling for Training Creatively’s Agile project management courses. Our training courses are provided online as well, which means that candidates can attend the course from the comfort of their home or even when they are on the move. The exams can also be completed online and candidates can rely on our virtual tutor support.

Agile project management – what does it mean?

Agile project management is different from traditional project management. Whilst the latter focuses on defining the layout and functions of a project fully on project initiation, the former defines the time and cost of the project and focuses on prioritising requirements and stakeholder engagement and delivers in iterative increments. In Agile project management, the scope of the project can be adapted and adjusted. If the market or stakeholder expectations change, these are taken into account and necessary adjustments are made quickly.

The emphasis of Agile project management is on creating fit for purpose products, strategic alignment and customer collaboration. The progress of the project is checked constantly and where necessary, workflows are adjusted. The members of the project team are highly skilled and self-organising, interpreting user stories to produce deliverables in sprints or timeboxes.

The approach of Agile project management is reflected in the Agile Manifesto as follows:

  • Working software is given more importance over comprehensive documentation
  • Interactions and people are more crucial than tools and processes
  • Responding to change is vital and not sticking to a fixed plan
  • Collaboration with the customer is much more crucial than contract negotiation

In the Agile development process, various models are used and the most popular are Scrum, Kanban, AgilePM, FDD and XP.

Actionable steps when working with agile teams

When working with teams, here are the some important actionable steps for Agile project management. Take a look below.

Project Initiation

The project objectives are communicated clearly with agreed processes and ground rules. Project team members work collaboratively in achieving a common goal, which is meeting the expectations of the customers.


Necessary information relating to the project and tasks are made fully available by the members of the team. Such information is displayed in Scrum or Kanban boards and includes sprint requirements (user stories), descriptions, task statuses, work in progress, completed tasks, expiration dates, tests, fulfilment criteria and so on.

Checking on the work in progress

By monitoring work in progress, you can eliminate bottlenecks or limit them. This is going to improve the scope of your tasks in the planning or development phase. This will enable agile responses to the changing requirements of the project.

Management of the project

A key concept of the Agile project management is that the team members of a project must always communicate and evaluate the scope of the project. They should also adapt their work as required. This will allow them to keep up with the changing needs of the project stakeholders, particularly the customers and users.

To know more about Agile project management and how it will benefit your business, you can contact Training Creatively. You can sign up for our training courses and get a certification that can boost your professional prospects. We offer tutor-led virtual, self-paced e-learning online, and classroom weekly and weekend courses.

Our Resources Centre, will provide you with useful information on:
Official Exam Guidance
Pre-course Guidance
Course Syllabuses
Case Studies and White Papers
Course Frequently Asked Question
If you would like to take a free sample free accreditation exam, do visit our Exam Centre.
For more information, do contact us at Training Creatively through or +44208 500 4534.

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